søndag den 13. september 2015

Ursula Krigger, Dansk Vestindien 1902 - 2015


Online Obituaries


April 22, 1902 - September 10, 2015
Ursula Krigger passed away on Thursday, September 10, 2015 at the age of 113.



Luis Hospi­tal board gets CMS up­date

ST. CROIX — Luis Hospi­tal of­fi­cials have asked their lawyer about po­ten­tial next steps by the Cen­ters for Medi­care and Med­i­caid Ser­vices, now that a nine-month grace pe­riod for the hos­pi­tal to fix prob­lems that threat­ened its cer­ti­fi­ca­tion has ex­pired.
“They do owe us a sur­vey and be­cause that sur­vey hasn’t hap­pened yet, we def­i­nitely need to know from them what their next steps will be,” Luis Hospi­tal board chair­man Dr. An­thony Rick­etts said af­ter the board met Thurs­day night.
“They do owe us a sur­vey and be­cause that sur­vey hasn’t hap­pened yet, we def­i­nitely need to know from them what their next steps will be,” Luis Hospi­tal board chair­man Dr. An­thony Rick­etts said af­ter the board met Thurs­day night.
Board mem­bers have asked the lawyer to find out.
Rick­etts also said that as soon as hos­pi­tal of­fi­cials know the fed­eral agency’s next steps, they will let the com­mu­nity know. He said he is acutely aware of how in­ter­ested the pub­lic is in the sit­u­a­tion.
CMS was on the brink of de­cer­ti­fy­ing Luis in Oc­to­ber 2014 when hos­pi­tal of­fi­cials pleaded for more time to bring con­di­tions up to ba­sic stan­dards. CMS ul­ti­mately granted the re­prieve — a nine-month pe­riod af­ter the hos­pi­tal de­vel­oped and en­tered into a sys­tems im­prove­ment agree­ment in Novem­ber with the fed­eral agency— but it ex­pired on Aug. 20.