100-årige før 1900
Nogle tal i engelsksproget bog fra et afsnit skrevet af forskere fra Syddansk Universitet:
The Danish Centenarian Register contains reported centenarians in Denmark, in total about 4,500 Danish centenarians, hereof about 3,500 since 1960. The historical part contains centenarians that have died at an alleged age of 100 years or more, while the contemporary part contains all living centenarians in Denmark, almost 500. Since this chapter concerns age verification of centenarians in centuries before the 20th century, only the historical part of the Centenarian Register dealing with pre-twentieth century centenarians will be treated.
Table 1.
Number of reported centenarians in 1775-1899. Numbers are taken from the official death statistics
Years Women Men Total
1775-1779 19 14 33
1780-1789 67 26 93
1790-1799 65 32 97
1800-1809 72 27 99
1810-1819 66 52 118
1820-1829 67 33 100
1830-1839 38 18 56
1840-1849 25 19 44
1850-1859 26 13 39
1860-1869 15 4 19
1870-1879 25 7 32
1880-1889 22 3 25
1890-1899 25 8 33
1775-1899 532 256 788
From the official statistics an estimate of the number of centenarians is available since the end of the 18th century, where the number of deaths in the age group at 100 years and above was reported by the clergy in all parishes and collected by the central administration. Table 1 shows the number of reported centenarian deaths in Denmark from 1775 to 1899 (Johansen 1975; Danmarks Statistik 1905). However, not all alleged centenarians are included in the historical part of the Centenarian Register. In order to be included it is required that the person is identified by name, date and place of death. Until now (August 1998) a total of 197 of the 788 reported centenarians from 1775 to 1899 have been identified by name and place of death, mainly in the period from 1840 to 1868. The primary source for identification has been the original yearly reports on numbers of births, marriages and deaths from the parishes to the Statistical Bureau. They have been used for locating the parishes which reported the death of centenarians, followed by a search in the parish registers in order to identify the centenarian. In some cases it was not possible to find a centenarian in the expected parish, indicating some reporting errors in the official statistics (see below). Unfortunately the reports were only archived until 1868, thereafter the number of identified centenarians is sparse because no other available sources are at hand on a national scale.
Table 2.
Result of validation of centenarians from Funen 1644-1840
Not rejected Rejected Impossible to verify Total
Women 7 20 112 139
Men 7 12 88 107
Total 14 32 200 246
Table 3.
Evidence for the 14 reported centenarians from Funen, 1787 to 1839, that cannot be rejected as centenarians
Name Age Sex Date of death or burial Place of death (parish) Census Additional sources
Anne Maria Scheel 100 F 4/10-1787 Vor Frue, Svendborg 1787: 100
Knud Jensen 102 M 28/3-1790 Krarup 1787: 98
Christen Larsen (Soelberg) 104 M 29/1-1792 Ullerslev 1787: 99
Claus Dichmand 105 M 21/9-1793 Lumby 1787: 100
Lars Olesen 102 M 13/5-1794 Vissenbjerg 1787: 98
Anne Jørgensdatter 103 F 12/8-1804 Hårby 1787: 87
Gie (Ægidia) Brandt 101 F 30/12-1804 Ærøskøbing 1803: 100 Census in Schleswig 1803
Anne Cathrine Friederichsdatter 102 F 12/8-1808 Skt. Nikolaj, Svendborg 1801: 95
Mikkel Olsen 106 M 15/3-1809 Hillerslev 1801: 96
Sidsel Jensdatter 100 F 29/3-1814 Skt. Jørgens, Svendborg 1787: 77
1801: 88
Johanne Kirstine Andersdatter 108 F 8/1-1819 Kølstrup 1787: 78
1801: 90
Johan Peder Beller 109 M 20/7-1823 Fåborg Public Assistance Committee protocol 1806-1822
Clemens Larsen 100 M 3/8-1824 Nørre Højrup 1801: 79 Baptism in Dronninglund, Jutland, 6/7-1723
Maren Larsdatter 100 F 1/11-1835 Ørslev 1834: 99
In Table 3 the available information is given for each of the 14 cases that could not be rejected as centenarians. Only one additional source of information was found for 10 cases and two additional sources of information for the remaining 4 cases. This implies that the quality of the validation is not very good, and that several of the 14 alleged centenarians may be rejected as true centenarians given the fact that the census took place a few years before the death of the alleged centenarian.
A 109 year old man, who died in 1823, is among the 14 centenarians that could not be refuted. The available information consists of notes from the Public Assistance Committee's protocol, where he is mentioned every third year from 1806 to 1823 and each year his stated age is compatible with the numbers of years passed since the last note. But the ages given cannot be regarded as independent information, and therefore the notes have to be counted as one additional source. Furthermore he could not be found in the 1801 census, where he was supposed to be 85. We clearly need additional information from an earlier period in order to really accept his age claim, and the same goes for several others in Table 3.
Table 4.
Reported age at death among 246 centenarians from Funen 1644-1840
Age Women Men Total
100 68 45 113
101 15 15 30
102 15 14 29
103 14 5 19
104 11 7 18
105 5 7 12
106 6 2 8
107 1 1 2
108 2 2 4
109 3 3
110 1 2 3
112 1 1
113 1 1
114 1 1 2
130 1 1
Total 139 107 246
Looking at the age structure of the 246 reported centenarians from Funen (Table 4) there seems to be an over-representation of the age of 100. Although we do not know the number of persons that died at age 99, the number of persons at age 101 is lower than expected using the heaping indicator proposed by Kannisto in the monograph (see the chapter of Kannisto). In spite of this age heaping even the 105+/100+ ratio is to high (17.7), indicating overstatement of extreme ages. It is very likely that this just represents the notion of a very old person: When no precise age was known, and the person was very, very old, he was assumed to have reached the remarkable age of 100 years or even much older - an early form of the centenarian cult as Peter Laslett names it.
Table 5.
Result of validation of Danish centenarians 1840-1899. The two persons aged 95 and 96 (see text) are included in the group of rejected centenarians
Not rejected Rejected Not validated Not identified Total
1840-1849 21 20 3 1 45
1850-1859 15 14 9 4 42
1860-1869 4 10 7 1 22
1870-1879 6 1 1 24 32
1880-1889 1 1 2 21 25
1890-1899 3 30 33
1840-1899 50 46 22 81 199
In order to exemplify the age validation considerable effort was devoted to the validation of two reported extreme ages. The first is the former sergeant Bartholomæus Albrecht, who died in 1841 at the age of 118½ years. The second person is Mads Pedersen Ribe, who died in 1864 at the age of 109 years. In each of these cases more than one week was used in search of additional information supporting - or disproving - the remarkable high age. A third example represents the normal effort devoted to an age verification. This is the 102 year old Niels Thorsen, who died in 1846.The time spent on verifying his age was approximately one day.Anne Marie Skau (1829-1937)
Syerske Anne Marie Skau blev formentligt Danmarks hidtil ældste verificerbare person i 1937. Politiken fra 1935-05-03 side 13 udnævner hende på det tidspunkt som Danmarks ældste levende, men hun var også ældst inden da. Politiken havde indtil da anset fru Ane Gadesgaard, Mors, født 17 dec 1829 som ældste levende. I artiklen kaldes hun for fru Anna Skou.
Nedenfor engelsksproget gennemgang af Anne Marie Skaus vitale data:
Anna Maria Skou 100 birthday
Posted by: vivian gudgell (IP Logged)
Date: January 19, 2009 11:52PM
I have attached a news clipping published in Haderslev in about 1929 honoring Fru Anna Skau i Haderslev 100th birthday. In the news clipping she is called Widow Skau, but in the 4th line of text she is called Enkefru Jacobsen.
We need to know the name of her husband and we wonder if the name Jacobsen or Skau is her real surname.
Widow Skau lived to be almost 107 years and had a big celebration each year until she died 20 March 1937.
We know her parents were Peder Hansen and Anne Katrine Rasmusdr of Vamdrup, Ribe.
Any information of this ladies husband will be most welcome.
Attachments are only kept for 14 days.
The attachment has been deleted, date: 03-03-2009.
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Re: Anna Maria Skou 100 birthday
Posted by: Niels Bjøreng (IP Logged)
Date: January 20, 2009 12:14AM
Jacobsen is the name of the oldest inhabitant in Haderslev.
Anna Skau is "only" the second oldest.
Venlig hilsen
Niels Bjøreng
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Re: Anna Maria Skou 100 birthday
Posted by: Lissa Pedersen (IP Logged)
Date: January 20, 2009 01:54AM
Hi Vivian,
Here Anna is in 1921 - but perhaps you already have that:
Haderslev, Haderslev, Haderslev Købstad, Haderslev købstad, Slagtergade 55, Forh, , , FT-1921
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Anne Marie Skau 26/8 1829 enke (widow) Husmoder Vamdrup (parish)
Karen Marie Petersen 6/12 1872 ugift Datter (daughter) Linnedsyerske Vejle
(the following not family)
Karen Hansen 18/2 1867 enke Husmoder Gørding
Anne Hansen ss ugift Datter Modepyntsyerske Haderslev
Meta Thaysen ss ugift Logerende Sælgerske Aabenraa
Morten Rasmussen 1/7 1866 ugift 0 Fyrbøder Vejle
This is Peder Hansen and Anne Katrine Rasmusdatter with 3 children - one of the girls must be your Anna??
Ribe, Anst, Vamdrup, Hafdrup, , et Huus, 11, FT-1834
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Peder Hansen 35 Gift Huusm. og Dagleier
Anne Kathrine Rasmusdatter 27 Gift hans Kone
Kirsten Maren Pedersdatter 8 Ugift deres Børn
** Anne Marie Pedersdatter 5 Ugift deres Børn
Anne Kirstine Pedersdatter 2 Ugift deres Børn
The family in 1845:
Ribe, Anst, Vamdrup, Øster Vamdrup, , 66, et Huus, 67-F1, FT-1840
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Peder Hansen Kirkemand 42 Gift Huusmand og Dagleier
Anne Cathrine Rasmusdatter 33 Gift Hans Kone
Kirsten Marie Pedersen 14 Ugift deres Børn
** Anne Marie Pedersen 11 Ugift deres Børn
Anne Kirstine Pedersen 8 Ugift deres Børn
Dorthe Kirstine Pedersen 2 Ugift deres Børn
and in 1845 - however, without Anna (Anne):
ribe, Anst, Hjarup, Hjarup, , et Huus, 13, FT-1845
Name: Age: Marital status: Occupation in household: Occupation: Birth place:
Peder Hansen 46 Gift Dagleier Vamdrup S. Ribe A.
Ane Katrine Rasmusdt 37 Gift Kone Vamdrup S. Ribe A.
Ane Kirstine Pedersen 12 Ugift Barn Vamdrup S. Ribe A.
Dorthea Kirstine Pedersen 6 Ugift Barn Vamdrup S. Ribe A.
Henriette Pedersen 4 Ugift Barn Vamdrup S. Ribe A.
According to the clipping she came to the southern part of Jutland when she was around 17 years old - and in 1948 she lived in Stepping (there was the 3 years war going on). She was married in 1856.
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Re: Anna Maria Skou 100 birthday
Posted by: vivian gudgell (IP Logged)
Date: January 20, 2009 02:49AM
Thank you, Lissa and Niels. I didn't have the 1921 family of Anna Maria Skau. It will take me awhile to connect the dots.
Niels, where did you get the fact that Anna Maria was the "second oldest". I tried to translate and I thought it said she was known on main street as Mrs. Jacobsen. Is that completely wrong?
It is quite possible that when she was only 100 that she wan not the oldest. By the time she was 103, I think she had earned that title.
Is it possible to find the marriage record for Anna Maria? I think she was married in Vamdrup in 1856.
I am new to this list. I hope I am doing everything right. the list is great!
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Re: Anna Maria Skou 100 birthday
Posted by: Jesper Skov (IP Logged)
Date: January 20, 2009 04:01AM
"Mrs. Anna Skau in Haderslev
Yesterday the town of Haderslev's
second oldest townsman, Mrs. Anna
Skau, Slagtergade 55, turned 100 years.
The oldest, Mrs. Jacobsen,
Storegade, turned 100 years last year
and still lives in the best of health.
Mrs. Skau is born in Vamdrup. At the
age of 17 she arrived to South Jutland,
where she the most of the live since.
In this way she lived through the war in 1848
in Steppinge in Haderslev County. In
1856 she was married. The married couple
moved to Haderslev and went to live at her
present address, Slagtergade 55. Mrs. Skau
never changed address since. She has
in that way this year lived at the same
address in no less than 73 years,
which is a record
without saying. She has been a
widow since 1881. A sisters daughter
has this year been living and working at her house
in 52 years. The old lady is in spite
of a ripe old age unusually
healthy. She is still a frequent
churchgoer and often goes to
meetings in Gl. Haderslev
parish hall. She never lets down
the ballot box. She is very
interested in everything, that goes
about in the surroundings. Supported by
a cane she still walks about
the garden and talks vivaciously with
neighbors and visitors.
Neighbors and friends have yesterday
arranged a party for the old,
proud woman, whos heart
all days has beat warmly for
Denmark and the Danish cause*"
*) South Jutlands break away from Germany.
Kind regards,
Jesper Skov
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Re: Anna Maria Skou 100 birthday
Posted by: vivian gudgell (IP Logged)
Date: January 20, 2009 04:21AM
Thank you, Jesper for that translation. That clears up the mystery about Mr. Jacobsen. It doesn't look like he has any relationship to Anna Maria Skau.
Her older sister, Kirsten Maria Pedersdtr married Soren Hansen Skau. Maybe the sisters married brothers.
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Re: Anna Maria Skou 100 birthday
Posted by: Lissa Pedersen (IP Logged)
Date: January 20, 2009 07:16PM
Hi Vivian,
Found this on the local archives webpage: [www.harkiv.dk]
Den ældste blev 108
Vidste du for øvrigt, at en af Haderslev ældste borgere hed Anna Marie Skau fra Slagtergade 55. Hun blev født i 1829 og døde 1937 i en alder af 108. Dengang var dette en sjældenhed. I Historisk Arkivs samling findes postkort fra hendes 104, 105 og 106 års fødselsdage.
"The oldest person turned 108
By the way did you know that one of the oldest inhabitants in Haderslev was Anna Marie Skau from Slagtergade 55. She was born in 1829 and died in 1937 at the age of 108. At that time this was a rare thing. In the archive's collections you will find postcards from her 104, 105 and 106 years' birthdays".
Would perhaps be an idea to contact the archive. They might perhaps also be able to give you further info about the family, i.e. name of her husband etc.
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Re: Anna Maria Skou 100 birthday
Posted by: Jesper Skov (IP Logged)
Date: January 20, 2009 07:32PM
They marry in Gl. Haderslev in 1856 his name is Niels Hansen Skov and he is 44 years of age.
Kind regards,
Jesper Skov
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Re: Anna Maria Skou 100 birthday
Posted by: vivian gudgell (IP Logged)
Date: January 20, 2009 07:39PM
Thank you, Lissa,
I have received replies from Nancy Pedersen by e-mail. She found the death notice in the Haderslev Church records for Niels Hansen Skau, husband of Anna Maria.
Gammel Haderslev churchbook:
Arkivalier Online Gammel Haderslev 1874-1888, opslag no 143
it says:
dead 16 feb. 1881, burr. 23 feb
Niels Hansen Skau, woodshuhmaker, a son of
farmer Hans Sørensen Lauersen and wife Maria
born Ahn in Hjerndrup, where he was born 1812 the 20 feb.
He was married with Anna Maria born Petersen, who still
live without children.
She also sent a picture of Anna Marie's home in Haderslev.
I am amazed at the responses I have received so far. You people are the best.
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Re: Anna Maria Skou 100 birthday
Posted by: Lissa Pedersen (IP Logged)
Date: January 20, 2009 08:01PM
Hi Vivian,
You will find her birth on opslag No. 62 in Vamdrup parish, Anst district, Ribe county - born 26 August 1829 (years 1826-1840) - bapt. 6 September 1829. I cannot read the names of the godparents etc. - perhaps another person can?
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/20/2009 08:08PM by Lissa Pedersen.
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Re: Anna Maria Skou 100 birthday
Posted by: Nancy Petersen (IP Logged)
Date: January 20, 2009 09:45PM
Try to read the godparents:
Gaardm. Peder Rau (
Pigen Maren Peders-
datter Skrædderen
Niels Christensens Hustru
Anne Catrine af Var-
de By og Ungkarlen
Peder Ifversen (Lind og
Smedesvend Jens Olsen
begge paa Sten (-byegaard.
The farmer Peder Rau (
The girl Maren Pedersdatter
The tailor Niels Christensens wife
Anne Catrine from Varde town
and the bachelor Peder Ifversen (Lind
and blacksmith Jens Olsen
both from Sten (-byegaard.
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Re: Anna Maria Skou 100 birthday
Posted by: Hans Chr. Baagøe (IP Logged)
Date: January 20, 2009 11:28PM
An other try of the transscription:
Indsidder Peder Hansen og hustru Anne Cathrine Rasmus Datter i Øster Vamdrup
Gaardm. Peder Rau (
Pigen Maren Peders-
datter Skrædderen
Niels Christensens Hustru
Anne Catrine af Øster
Vm by og Ungkarlen
Peder Ifversen (Lind og
Smedesvend Jens Olsen
begge paa Østerbyegaard.
Indsidder Peder Hansen and wife Anne Cathrine Rasmus Datter in Easter Vamdrup
The farmer Peder Rau (
The girl Maren Pedersdatter
The tailor Niels Christensens wife
Anne Catrine from the village of Easter Vamdrup
and the bachelor Peder Ifversen (Lind
and blacksmith Jens Olsen
both from Oesterbyegaard.
You can find the tailor family living in Øster Vamdrup in the census 1834:
Ribe, Anst, Vamdrup, Østervamdrup bye, et Huus, 103, FT-1834, C5408
Navn: Alder: Civilstand: Stilling i husstanden: Erhverv: Fødested:
Niels Christensen 32 Gift Skræder
Anne Chatrine Pedersen 30 Gift hans Kone
Karen Nielsdatter 8 Ugift deres Børn
Ane Nielsdatter 4 Ugift deres Børn
Et Pigebarn, Ei Døbt 1 Ugift deres Børn
The farm Østerbygaard still excists and is located about a ½ mile South of Øster Vamdrup.
Hans Chr. Baagøe
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Re: Anna Maria Skou 100 birthday
Posted by: Nancy Petersen (IP Logged)
Date: January 21, 2009 08:42AM
Bingo, Hans Chr. - ja se, den gård kendte jeg jo ikke!
NancyAndrea Nielsen, Brønshøj (1889-1999)
Efter Politiken er gjort søgbar på nettet http://www.e-pages.dk/politiken er fundet en masse oplysninger om ældste i Danmark. Om Jyllands-Posten også er lagt ud vides ikke endnu, men nogle af tillæggene til J-P findes i hvert fald på http://www.e-pages.dk/jp .
CGT har i Politiken 1999-02-10 fundet dødsomtale af "Andrea Nielsen, Danmarks ældste, Brønshøj i København, 109 år, blev født 29. maj 1889 i landsbyen Smedie ved Bælum i Himmerland".
Da Karen Marie Jespersen fra Åby i Aarhus var født tidligere i maj 1889 og levede helt til august 2000, er det ikke korrekt at Andrea Nielsen var Danmarks ældste. Hun placerer sig dog højt på listen over ældste danskere i Danmark, nærmere betegnet som nummer 4 kun en uge yngre end Louise Bramsen.perhag.mono.net fornyet 10 feb 11
Rangliste ældste i Danmark
Ældste i Danmark
Ældste nulevende kvinde:
Siden 23 aug 2010 er ældste Else Lundblad, Græsted født 24 sep 1901.
Hun blev døbt 25 okt 1901 hos katolsk-apostolsk menighed i Randers med navnet Else Sophie Jensen som datter af menighedsforstander Jens Christian Jensen og Sophie Lundblad ifølge kirkebogen for Sankt Mortens sogn. Navneforandring til Else Sophie Jensen Lundblad 4 jun 1963.
I Randers virkede hun som skolefrøken (lærerinde) og blev boende på Skrænten, Vester Altan de første 102 år af sit liv, hvorefter hun i 2004 kom til Græsted i Nordsjælland.
Liste over levende kvinder 1 januar 2011:
1. ugift Else Sophie Jensen Lundblad, Skovsmindeparken, Græsted, Gribskov, Hovedstaden * 24 sep 1901
2. enke Ella Kathrine Mørk Hansen, Kastanievej, Skanderborg, Midtjylland *13 jul 1902 (officiel fejlregistrering: *15 jul 1902)
3. enke NN, Jernholtparken?, Raklev sogn, Kalundborg, Sjælland * ca. 24 jan 1903
4. enke Margrethe Bredkjær Termansen, Dixensminde, Jels, Vejen, Syddanmark * 8 maj 1903
5-6. enke Dora Jensen, Als, Hadsund, Mariagerfjord, Nordjylland * 26/27 aug 1903
5.-6. enke NN, Flintholm sogn, Frederiksberg, Hovedstaden * jul-sep 1903
7.? enke Agnes J K Hansen, Skovbocentret, Esbjerg, Syddanmark * 14 okt 1903
8.? enke Amalie Hansen, Aabo, Aakirkeby, Bornholm, Hovedstaden * 9 nov 1903
9.? fraskilt NN, Asminderød sogn, Fredensborg, Hovedstaden * okt-dec 1903 (tilflyttet 2008 fra Errindlev sogn, Lolland)
10. enke NN, Anna sogn, Nørrebro, København, Hovedstaden * 31 dec 1903
fraskilt Hannah Marie Nielsen, Virumgård, Sorgenfri, Lyngby-Taarbæk, Hovedstaden *8 apr 1904
enke NN, Sankt Mikkels sogn, Slagelse, Sjælland *apr-jun 1904
enke Lovise Marie Madsen, Kirke Helsinge, Kalundborg, Sjælland *23 maj 1904
enke Marie Elisabeth Jensen, Sevel, Holstebro, Midtjylland *5 jun 1904
enke Estrid Geertsen, Vejlesøparken, Holte, Rudersdal, Hovedstaden *1 aug 1904
enke Karen Madsen, Lind, Herning, Midtjylland * ca. 1 aug 1904
enke NN, Aabenraa sogn, Aabenraa, Syddanmark *jul-sep 1904
enke NN, Mølholm sogn, Vejle, Syddanmark *okt-dec 1904
ugift Ellen Ruth Kilstofte, områdecenter Hedelund, Esbjerg, Syddanmark *23 dec 1904
Kvinder døde fra 1 jan 2010 - 31 dec 2010:
enke Thyra Cecilie Kongsø, Himmelev Gl. Præstegaard, Roskilde, Sjælland * 9 jan 1901 (død 14 feb 2010)
enke Elly Karin Hansen, Skjoldagervej, Jægersborg, Gentofte, Hovedstaden * 16 apr 1901 (død 23 aug 2010)
ugift Inger Marie Larsen (søster Marie), Lindely, Sankt Lukas stiftelsen, Hellerup, Gentofte, Hovedstaden * 22 feb 1902 (død 13 mar 2010)
enke NN, Ejstrup sogn, Ikast-Brande, Midtjylland * apr-jun 1902 (død jul-sep 2010)
enke Anna Pedersen, Klippebo, Gudhjem, Bornholm, Hovedstaden * 5 maj 1903 (død 22 aug 2010)
enke Edith Koch Jensen, Randers, Midtjylland * 21 jul 1903 (død 22 okt 2010)
enke NN, Knebel sogn, Syddjurs, Midtjylland * jul-sep 1903 (død jan-mar 2010)
ugift Sys Kirstine Kirkegaard, Egebjerg plejehjem, Gentofte, Hovedstaden * 6 nov 1903 (død 28 sep 2010)
enke Mariane Jørgine Jensen, Bramdrup sogn, Kolding, Syddanmark *7 jan 1904 (død 16 maj 2010)
enke NN, Sankt Nikolai sogn, Holbæk, Sjælland *jan-mar 1904 (død apr-jun 2010)
enke Thora Nygaard, Varde, Syddanmark *16 mar 1904 (død 4 jul 2010)
enke Kirstine Marie Lind Poulsen, Højagercentret, Jelling, Vejle, Syddanmark *15 maj 1904 (død 4 aug 2010)
enke NN, Hesselager sogn, Svendborg, Syddanmark *apr-jun 1904 (død okt-dec 2010)
enke Edith Jørgensen, Montebello, Helsingør, Hovedstaden *19 jun 1904 (død ca. 15 mar 2010)
enke NN, Lindehøj sogn, Herlev, Hovedstaden *jul-sep 1904 (tilflyttet 2009 fra Bellahøj sogn, København)(død jan-mar 2010)
enke Edith Rasmussen, Hedebo, Greve, Sjælland *3 sep 1904 (død ca 1 jun 2010)
enke Ingrid Frederikke Harder, Albanigade, Odense, Syddanmark *4 sep 1904 (død ca. 15 mar 2010)
enke Inger Marie (Mitte) Søndergaard, Vejerslev plejecenter, Morsø, Nordjylland *15 sep 1904 (død 8 nov 2010)
enke Dagny Pedersen, Kværndrup, Faaborg-Midtfyn, Syddanmark *30 okt 1904 (død 2 nov 2010)
fraskilt Carla Rasmussen, Konvalvej, Aalborg, Nordjylland *18 nov 1904 (død apr-jun 2010)
enke Karen Harriet Müller, Ny Holte sogn, Rudersdal, Hovedstaden *27 nov 1904 (død 7 nov 2010)
enke Maren Pedersen, Skærbæk, Tønder, Syddanmark *30 nov 1904 (død 13 feb 2010)
Ældste nulevende mand:
Ældste mand må være en uidentificeret beboer i Odense. født i 3 . kvartal
1904 ud fra befolkningsstatistikken 1 jan 2011.
NN-manden fra Odense kommune boede 1 jan 2010 i Odense-sognet Hans Tausens sogn (http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Tausens_Sogn ). Sognet omfatter beboelse i Åløkke-kvarteret, Glasvej-kvarteret, Kanalvej og Lumbyvej i den nordvestlige del af Odense C og har 3800 indbyggere. Ældre- og plejeboliger findes vist både på Åløkke Allé og Lille Glasvej.
Liste over ældste levende mænd 1 jan 2011:
1. enkemand NN, Hans Tausens sogn, Odense, Syddanmark * jul-sep 1904
2. enkemand Aage Kristian Nielsen, Thorsø, Favrskov, Midtjylland * 29 nov 1904
3. gift mand NN, Kerteminde sogn, Kerteminde, Syddanmark *jul-sep 1905
gift mand NN, Rudersdal, Hovedstaden *apr-jun 1906
enkemand NN, Ballerup, Hovedstaden *apr-jun 1906
enkemand NN, Gentofte, Hovedstaden *okt-dec 1906
enkemand NN, Rudersdal, Hovedstaden *okt-dec 1906
enkemand Verner Nielsen, Faxe, Sjælland *21 dec 1906 (død 29 jan 2011)
Mænd døde 1 jan 2010 - 31 dec 2010:
enkemand Niels Peder Albert Møller, Baunegården plejecenter, Tebstrup, Skanderborg, Midtjylland * 11 jun 1904 (død 21 maj 2010)
enkemand Kristian Henry Frederiksen, Haslev, Faxe, Sjælland *7 aug 1904 (død 24 jan 2010)
enkemand Jens Edvard Jensen, Nørremarks sogn, Vejle, Syddanmark * 12 mar 1905 (død 9 sep 2010)
enkemand Peter Nissen Mink, Skovbølling, Bjerning sogn, Haderslev, Syddanmark *29 jul 1905 (død 25 apr 2010)
enkemand Peder Møller Pedersen, Holstebro, Midtjylland *4 dec 1905 (død 31 jan 2010)
enkemand Orla Øgaard Madsen, Viborg, Midtjylland *31 dec 1905 (død 19 jul 2010)
enkemand NN, Hedensted, Midtjylland *apr-jun 1906 (død apr-jun 2010)
enkemand NN, København, Hovedstaden *okt-dec 1906 (død apr-jun 2010)
enkemand Knud Georg Arthur Weise, Nærum, Rudersdal, Hovedstaden *11 okt 1906 (død 23 aug 2010)
Omfattende lister over ældste i Norge: http://www.jeaas.com/oldinger.htm
En danskfødt kvinde i Norge var fraskilte Helga Rydahl, Nesttun, Bergen * 11 aug 1903 (død 23 apr 2010)
Mere om ældste i Danmark: http://nl.netlog.com/perhag/blog
I den blog kan også findes mange af kilderne til oplysningerne her.
Kontakt ønskes til læsere af Navne og Dage i Jyllands-Posten og Politiken, og hvis nogen har adgang til CPR-registeret.
Forslag til ændringer og tilføjelser kan sendes til per.hagemann@gmail.com
Nyeste ændringer 10 feb 2011
Nulevende bekræftet af befolkningsstatistikken 1 jan 2011.
Oprettet 2009-04-15
Ældste danskfødte kvinde
Ældste danske kvinde gennem tiderne var formentligt Johanne Svensson, født Johanne Pedersen Holm 24 januar 1892 i Århus. Død i Landskrona, Sverige 29 maj 2003. Hun levede en stor del af sit liv på Hven, øen i Øresund kendt for Tycho Brahes observatorier Uranienborg og Stjerneborg.
Anne K Matthiesen, Vejle, Syddanmark 1884-1996
Karen M Jespersen, Åbyhøj, Midtjylland 1889-2000
enke NN, København, Hovedstaden 1889-1999
Louise A Bramsen, Jægersborg, Hovedstaden 1878-1988
Johannes W Hansen, Odense, Syddanmark 1867-1976
Else S J Lundblad, Græsted, Hovedstaden 1901-
Elly K Hansen, Jægersborg, Hovedstaden 1901-2010
Kristiane Hasager, Låsby, Midtjylland 1888-1998
Kirsten M Højrup, Hirtshals, Nordjylland 1894-2003
M Marie Andersen, Løgstør, Nordjylland 1894-2003
Anny H Jepsen, Ordrup, Hovedstaden 1885-1994
Nikoline Vang, Brørup, Syddanmark 1893-2002
Thyra C Kongsø, Himmelev, Sjælland 1901-2010
Magda K H Hedetoft, Roskilde, Sjælland 1899-2008
Kirsten M Kjær, Hvidovre, Hovedstaden 1896-2005
Johannes Hansen, Øster Snede, Midtjylland 1879-1988
Marie E Rasmussen, Odense, Syddanmark 1875-1983
Dusine N Balling, Skive, Midtjylland 1891-1999
Maren Jensen, Nørre Aaby, Syddanmark 1882-1991
Johanne K Grann, Århus, Midtjylland 1896-2005
Ella K Mørk Hansen, Skanderborg, Midtjylland 1902-
enke NN, Fredericia, Syddanmark 1897-2005
Carl Møller, Roskilde, Sjælland 1890-1999
Ane M Kristensen, Skive, Midtjylland 1890-1999
Agnes V Bruun, Østerbro, Hovedstaden 1856-1964
Olga M Kofoed, Østermarie, Hovedstaden 1888-1996
Laura Sørensen, Odense, Syddanmark 1890-1999
Johanne-M Holm, Århus, Midtjylland 1895-2003
enke NN, Ikast-Brande, Midtjylland 1902-2010
Jenny A Kristensen, Haderslev, Syddanmark 1898-2006
Rasmine Rogersen, Malling, Midtjylland 1867-1975
Karen M Hansen, Gelsted, Syddanmark 1899-2007
I Marie Larsen, Hellerup, Hovedstaden 1902-2010
A Rasmine Olsen, Nørre Aaby, Syddanmark 1879-1987
Niels Nielsen, Havdrup, Sjælland 1883-1991
Ældste dansker i Danmark gennem tiden (ukomplet før 1980):
Karen Jensen Brødbæk, Holstebro 4 apr 1797 - 5 aug 1904
Anne Marie Skau, Haderslev 26 aug 1829 - 20 mar 1937
Ellen Kjestina Petersen, Haderslev jan 1850 - 1955?
Agnes V Bruun, København 20 aug 1856 - 20 dec 1964
Ane Marie Johansen, Hadsund 9 mar 1864 - 1972
Rasmine Rogersen, Århus 18 jan 1867 - 15 feb 1975
Johannes Wilhelm Hansen, Odense 10 apr 1867 - 28 sep 1976
Birthe Marie Kjær, Skjern 12 dec 1869 - 6 dec 1976
Ane Sofie Petersen, Dianalund 25 maj 1872 - 1978
Olga Hansen, Thisted 13? dec 1873 - 14? jun 1981
Marie Elisabeth Rasmussen, Odense 19 mar 1875 - 30 dec 1983
Anna Margrethe Møller, Nakskov 6 dec 1877 - 5 jul 1984
(formentligt født Aastrup, Falster; polskfødt var en fejl)
Maria Louise Augusta Bramsen, Gentofte 4 maj 1878 - 25 jan 1988
Johannes Hansen, Hedensted 28 jul 1879 - 28 maj 1988
Ragnhild Linnet, København 3 mar 1882 - 3 jul 1988
Martha Jørgensen, København 24 jul 1882 - 1989
Maren Jensen, Nørre Aaby 1 aug 1882 - ca 25 mar 1991
Niels Nielsen, Solrød 19 nov 1883 - 6? dec 1991
Anne Kathrine Mathiesen, Vejle 26 nov 1884 - 19 mar 1996
Olga Margrethe Kofoed, Allinge-Gudhjem 6 jun 1888 - jul-dec 1996
Kristiane Hasager, Ry 22 nov 1888 - jan-jun 1998
Karen Marie Jespersen, Århus 5 maj 1889 - 4 aug 2000
Nikoline (Nina) Vang, Brørup 29 aug 1893 - ca. 5 okt 2002
Kirsten Marie Højrup, Hirtshals 25 jan 1894 - ca. 5 maj 2003
Mette Marie Andersen, Løgstør 20 feb 1894 - ca. 25 maj 2003
Johanne-Marie Holm, Århus 10 aug 1895 - 20 okt 2003
Kirsten Margrethe Kjær, Hvidovre jan-jun 1896 - jan-jun 2005
enke, Fredericia jan-jun 1897 - jul-dec 2005
Jenny Andrea Kristensen, Haderslev 19 apr 1898 - 20 maj 2006
Karen Margrethe Edland, Odense 12 sep 1898 - 21 jul 2006
Torkil Dressø, København 27 mar 1899 - 31 aug 2006
Adelheid Victoria Nielsen, Rudersdal 20 jun 1899 - 25 dec 2006
Magda Kristine Helene Hedetoft, Roskilde 29 sep 1899 - 10 aug 2008
Thyra Cecilie Kongsø, Roskilde 9 jan 1901 - 14 feb 2010
Elly Karin Hansen, Gentofte 16 apr 1901 - 23 aug 2010
Else Sophie Jensen Lundblad, Gribsskov 24 sep 1901 -
Andre muligvis ældste danskere i Danmark:
Johanne Jensdatter Hvingelbye, Lomborg, Vestjylland 14 maj 1786 - 17 jul 1890
Elisabeth Marie Jørgensen, København 27 jul 1791 - 17 aug 1894
Maren Møller Krejbjerg, Salling 11 nov 1795 - 25 sep 1901
Niels Nielsen, Billund 17 jun 1803 - 7 feb 1910
Niels Petersen, Nyboder, København 16 jan 1805 - 13 maj 1912
Ane Marie Olesen, Vejle 25 mar 1806 - 22 feb 1912
Ole Larsen, Vestermarie, Bornholm 12 okt 1825 - 8 maj 1929
Mads Pedersen Kehlet, Kolding 23 maj 1852 - 22 nov 1958
enke, Aalborg 1875 - 1981
enke, Skærbæk 1875 - 1982
enke, København jan-jun 1889 - jan-jun 1999
enke, Gladsaxe jul-dec 1895 - jul-dec 2003
Magdalene V Nielsen, Svendborg 13 jan 1896 - ca. 20 okt 2003
Johanne Kirstine Grann, Århus 19 aug 1896 - 5 apr 2005
Marie Thøstesen, Bredebro, Syddanmark 8 maj 1878 - ca. 20 jul 1984 var fejlagtigt udnævnt som Danmarks ældste i den danske udgave af Guinness Rekordbog 1985.
Følgende udenlandskfødte fra befolkningsstatistikken er ikke med på listerne ovenover:
jugoslaviskfødt enke, København 1869 - 1980
afghanskfødt gift mand, Ravnsbjerg sogn, Århus 1 jun 1896 - jan-jun 2007
bosniskfødt enkemand, Fruering sogn, Skanderborg jan-jun 1898 - jan-jun 2007Niels Nielsen (1803-1910)
Fra CGT:
"Elna [Christensen] er Billund Kommunes ældste indbygger. ... Hendes
bedstefar blev over 106 år gammel, og ham agter Elna at overgå."
Elna Margrethe Nielsen født 22 mar 1906, Vorbasse Sogn,
Forældre: Husmand Gregers Nielsen af Vorbasse Mark og Hustru...
Gregers Nielsen født 30 jan 1858, Hejnsvig Sogn,
Forældre: Gaardm. Niels Nielsen af Gilberg og Hustru...
Her er så bedstefar (farfar), Niels Nielsen (1803-1910):
AO Grene Sogn, Slavs, Ribe 1755-1813, Opslag 199:
Niels Nielsen født i Billund 17 jun 1803.
AO Hejnsvig Sogn, Slavs, Ribe 1909-1920, Opslag 228, #1
Død i Gilbjerg 7 feb 1910, 106 Aar. Gravsten på Hejnsvig Kirkegård:
Vedr. gårdmand Niels Nielsen født i Billund
17 jun 1803 - 7 feb 1910, Gilbjerg, Hejnsvig.
Vi kan egentlig aldrig be- eller afkræfte en overtagelse af
en ældres identitet.
Afgangsliste, Grene 1830-1864, Opslag 104, 1835 #2
29/3, Niels Nielsen, 31 3/4, født i Billund,
Til Heinsvig Sogn ?? ? ? [3-4 ord jeg ikke kan tyde]
Tilgangsliste, Hejnsvig 1821-1836, Opslag 46, #12
Niels Nielsen d. 29 mar 1835, 31 Aar, Tjenestekarl,
fra Grene Sogn, vacc. d 4 Juli 1811 af Past. Wandall.
Viet 12 juli 1835 i Hejnsvig 1821-1836, Opslag 41, #4
Ungkarl Niels Nielsen fra Billund i Grene Sogn, 28 Aar [!]
Pigen Ane Maria Anders Datter fra Gilberg her af Sognet, 26 Aar
Første barn født 15 jan 1836 i Hejnsvig 1836-1851, Opslag 27, #2
Else Kirstine Nielsen, F: Gaardmand N. N. og H. A.M. A. fra Gilberg.
Anne Marie Andersdatter død 17 apr 1840 i Hejnsvig.
AO Ribe, Slavs, Hejnsvig 1836-1851, Opslag 74, #6 - Viet 1 nov 1840
"Enkemand Niels Nielsen af Gilberg her af Sognet 36 Aar
vacc. af Wandal - født i Billund i Grene Sogn
Hans første Kone død i April 1840" og Karen Jensdatter.
FT 1860, ikke på DDD. AO Ribe, Slavs, Hejnsvig, Opslag 11.
Niels Nielsen, 57, gift, Grene Sogn Ribe Amt, Gaardmand Huusfader
Karen Jensdatter, 42, do, Ølgod By Ribe Amt, Hans Kone
Ellen Marie Nielsen, 21, ugift [datter med første kone!]
Jens Nielsen, 16, do, Heri Sognet
Voldborg Nielsen, 10, do, do
Dorthea Nielsen, 10, do, do > deres Børn
Christen Nielsen, 7, do, do
Peder Nielsen, 5, do, do
Greis Nielsen, 2, do, do /
Gregers eller Greis er altså født sent i en større børneflok.
Ægteparret bor stadig sammen i FT 1901! Han er enkemand i 1906.
Nå, det greb om sig ... Nok om Niels Nielsen.Kirstine Christensen (1883-1992)
Fra CGT:
Kirstine Andersen var rigtig "sjov" at finde.
Jeg har "bare glemt" nogle af kilderne ...
Fra AO Kirkebog Aversi, Tybjerg, Præstø
Anne Christine Christensen (f. 4 sep 1883 i Assendrup, Aversi)
Navn: Andersen, Anna Kristine Stilling: Frøken
Alder: 22 Bestemmelsessted: Waterloo
Kontrakt nr.: 36100 Forevisningsdato: 2/8/1906
Fødested: Tybjerglille Fødesogn: Tybjerg
Sidste oph.sogn: ? Sidste oph. amt: ?
Sidste oph.sted: Gisselfeldt Bestemmelses land: ?
Bestemmelses by: Waterloo Bestemmelses stat: ?
Skibsnavn: Indirekte IDkode: I0506A2309
Der var en hjemmeside som omtalte hende. Kan ikke lige finde den igen.
Jeg har også set hendes vielse.
Død 23 jan 1992, Waterloo, Iowa
First Name: Christine Middle Name:
Last Name: Christensen Name Suffix:
Birth Date: 4 September 1883
Social Security Number: 478-80-6623
Place of Issuance: Iowa
Last Residence:
Zip Code of Last Residence:
Death Date : 23 January 1992
Estimated Age at Death: 109
Kirstine Andersen er døbt Anne Kirstine Andersen, men bruger sjældent "Anne".
Fødsel: AO, Aversi, Tybjerg, Præstø, 1864-1891, Opslag 32, #3.
Jeg blev selv lidt forvirret over vi kendte hende som Andersen, som vel
burde være hendes giftenavn. Hun bliver gift Christensen.
Prøv lige og se om ikke det er min/vores K. A. tredjenederst på siden
FT 1906, Landsogn, Sorø, Ringsted, Bråby, (Gisselfeld), Opslag 11:
Jættehøi, 18, Kristine Andersen, K, 4/? 83, U, Tyende ...
Der kan stå 4/3, mens 4/9 vil passe.
mandag den 4. januar 2016
Blogindlæg februar 2011
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